In common words, a trademark is a symbol used to represent something. It generally represents either a company or a particular product. There are different categories of trademarks such as sound, word, logo design, slogan, shape, emblem, letters, and more. Trademarks can also include acronyms, fonts, and even specially designed colours. There are absolutely no restrictions on where the ® symbol has to be placed on a trademark.
Most of us think that the ™ and ® symbols are interchangeable but that is far from the truth as the ™ symbol and the ® symbol both convey different meanings. The symbol ® is used for registered trademarks. On the other hand, when a particular product has a trademark that is pending registration, the ™ symbol can be used, and the ® symbol cannot be used for such unregistered trademarks.
Essentially, trademarks can either be registered or unregistered. The ™ trademark symbol has no legal backing while the symbol ® is legally protected. The ™ symbol is commonly used on the brand identity of a particular association, company, or individual while waiting for trademark registration. A registered trademark for a particular service/product on the other hand is indicated by the ® symbol.
The SM symbol is used to represent services by an individual or a company but not manual products. It is wrong to use ™ symbols if you sell services rather than products and vice versa. Generally, the SM symbol is used when services are offered. Like the symbol ™, SM is also an unregistered trademark and it has no protection.
The first step to trademark registration is having a unique trademark for your product/service. Choosing a unique trademark is surely time-consuming but, when applying for trademark registration, if your trademark is similar to other rivals, your application will be rejected and you might receive a letter asking you to alter your trademark. So to avoid this a Trademark Search should be conducted. Chaludiya & Co. offers one for free.
Many individuals often try to use descriptive names that describe the product/service as their trademark, such attempts at trademarking are also blatantly rejected as it stands in direct violation of the rules relating to trademarks. If you want to learn more about what can and cannot be trademarked, consult an experienced trademark consultant.
There is a significant difference between ™ and ®. Trademarks can be registered or unregistered. If your product has the potential to garner great success, then it is a good idea to have a registered trademark. Connect with Chaludiya & Co. and Register Your Trademark Today!
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